7 Practices of Incredibly Frustrating and Ineffective Life

Sohail Zindani
3 min readJul 6, 2020

I am sure, you’ve read, admired and applied 7 habits, 9 principles and 5 steps. Here is my list of 7 Practices — but for your convenience, the best strategy is of not following any. Isn’t it cool and easy?

Let’s see.

7 Practices of Incredibly Frustrating and Ineffective Life:

  1. Being Impatient… All the good things in life take time. This instant gratification mindset is killing us. Having patience is a virtue, many modern-day gurus confuse with being lazy. No, it’s not! Patience is always followed by action. Being lazy never lets you get in to action. Being impatient is a sure recipe for a frustrating life. Alternate: Have Patience & Hope.
  2. Being Self-absorbed… What a disease! And as far as I know, the chances of catching this infection is directly proportional to how successful you get. Don’t think that I am asking you to drop all your worth and respect you carry for yourself. No. What I mean here is ‘I am good’ is not a problem but ‘Only I am good’ is a sickness. Alternate: Seek Inputs and Respect Others’ Worldview
  3. Being Inconsistent… and then shamelessly defending it with being authentic. The world respects consistent. You don’t want to go to a cardiac surgeon who may delay your operation only because she/he is not feeling authentic. Being authentic is fictious. Being consistent, delivering value, performing even when you don’t feel like because you have made a promise — that’s what a true professional and a credible person is all about. Alternate: Be Consistent and Give your best, every time!
  4. Being Selfish… as if it’s only you who matter. No. Being Selfish is an outcome of poor intellect, lack of faith, fear of being exposed and simply, cheapness. Alternate: Be generous. Remember, you never give anything to anyone. You simple share what you’ve been blessed with.
  5. Being Angry… at who? Who cares? Being angry is a confirmation receipt of your inability to manage your own mind. And then, once you are angry, you are looking for others to fix your mind — by saying a sorry or apologizing in one way or the other. What a bad approach to life. Alternate: Try being independent. Yes. Independence is when you feel the way YOU want to feel — not how others make you feel.
  6. Being Jealous… Now this one is special. This shows how messed up we’ve been. Jealous of? Is someone doing better than you? Then learn from her/him. But remember, there’s always someone doing better than you. You may not be aware of it — but there’s someone for sure. Alternate: Instead of wasting your precious time and energy [life] in being jealous, look out for inspiration. Look out for higher perch. Look out for better perspective. That’s what being human is all about.
  7. Being Successful… I am sure it shocked you. But that’s true. Being successful is a disease. Only, when you tell yourself that you are successful. Others must say this. Others may admire your achievement. Others. Not you. For you, life must always be Work in Progress. As Bill Gates puts up aptly, “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” Alternate: Look at every day as a new possibility. A fresh perspective. A day of learning!

I wish you success, humility, patience, generosity, courage, kindness, clarity, abundance and focus.



Sohail Zindani
Sohail Zindani

Written by Sohail Zindani

Disruptor, Happiness Enthusiast, Strengths Revolutionist, Leadership & Innovation Consultant, Author, Founder, Learning Minds

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