How about using Law of Attraction to your advantage?
I am sure you’ve noticed that once we are made aware / are conscious of something, our attention/observation is surprisingly drawn to it. Google, Facebook and other AI/Algorithm Monsters make it even more obvious and scientific — but then, when you think about buying a certain gadget or car of book or anything, suddenly, it’s everywhere… Right?
I am now trying to apply this to attract really cool people. I actively look for people of ideas, of great sense of humor, of intellectual curiosity, of courage, of generosity… and you know what — my networks and the quality of my network have enhanced exponentially.
I don’t do it by passively sitting back and judging people. What a shame it can be. But I’ve engaged in more interviews, meetings, social media interactions, blogging… and it works!
There is no-one perfect out there. Only Allah is Perfect.
But there are amazing people out there.
Who are you meeting today?