If you don’t love your work…

Sohail Zindani
2 min readMay 17, 2020

What a painful sight it is to see all those Monday Blues and Dear Friday social media posts. People take pride in sharing on their social network how miserable it is to go to office on Monday morning and how badly they wait for Friday evening.

What a sad life!

We spend anywhere between 60–80% of our waking hours at work. Now if your work is not making you happy, you have already made a mess of your life.

Wouldn’t it be great if we loved our work?

Why work has been so transactional to us? Why work is just a mean to earn money so that we can do what we love. Why work can’t be love? Why on earth are we willing to throw 3/4 of our lives away? Shouldn’t we demand more from life and work?

I imagine a world where people love to work. A world where work gives us meaning. A world where Monday is the happiest day of the week.

Last year, I had the opportunity of co-creating a program with a client on how to bring the best out of each employee at work — so that we create the right environment for nurturing love for work. The results have been far above satisfying.

Loving your work makes a complete business sense. It creates a more prolific, constructive and compassionate world. It allows people to put in their best, without any fear of compliance, audit or management.

So think through! Are you loving what you do at work?

  • Yes? Congratulations!! You are amazing. Help others find their love for work.
  • No? Not a problem!! Look out for the missed opportunities in your present role that can give more meaning to work. Look out with positivity and commitment.

I personally love helping people find their love for work. I am happiest when I am helping my clients do it for their employees!

Work is Love!



Sohail Zindani
Sohail Zindani

Written by Sohail Zindani

Disruptor, Happiness Enthusiast, Strengths Revolutionist, Leadership & Innovation Consultant, Author, Founder, Learning Minds

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