Some more notes on Kindness

Sohail Zindani
1 min readAug 26, 2021

I often write about kindness because I feel I write too little about it.

Kindness is the only currency that can make the world more livable.

Today, let’s explore different types of kindness… Yes, there are different types!

  • The Kindness of “please” & “thank you”.
  • The Kindness of “sorry” & “I was wrong”.
  • The Kindness of “let me help you” & “let’s make it better together”.
  • The Kindness of “listening” & “empathy”.
  • The Kindness of “please” & “thank you”.
  • The Kindness of “please” & “thank you”.
  • The Kindness of “dignity” & “appreciation”.
  • The Kindness of “understanding the other person’s story” & “shutting up for a while”.
  • The Kindness of “acknowledging fear” & “accepting differences”.
  • The Kindness of “not exploiting the situation” & “letting go short-term personal gain”.
  • The Kindness of “building something that you won’t be able to use” & “giving the credit to someone”

For me, kindness is a currency. A currency that multiplies, enables possibilities, and transform situations.

I believe that when we are of service to people, the ONE who created us makes our journey worth it!



Sohail Zindani

Disruptor, Happiness Enthusiast, Strengths Revolutionist, Leadership & Innovation Consultant, Author, Founder, Learning Minds