Your Ultimate Opportunity…
And that’s today.
Today. Right now.
And every day, if you’re willing to grab it.
It’s funny how people believe that the long-scheduled event, the final match, the annual event is the ultimate opportunity. No. It’s not. In fact, what’s certain is that the next big opportunity you will grab will come out of nowhere in particular, and you were able to grab it only because you we ready for it… Prepared.
Go. Grab the ultimate opportunity that today has to offer.
It’s your only deal.
And as you go for it, remember few things:
- Deciding is as important as the doing.
- Doing is as important as deciding.
- Starting small is the only way to win big.
- Teach what you learn today.
- Be consistent. To hell with authenticity. Be consistent. Show up every freaking day.
Grab your ultimate opportunity. Today.